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HTML Links

Web is all about links and linking different web pages. HTML links allows to link different web pages.

Links are called hyperlinks in HTML. You can click on a link to go to a new web page.

By default, the browser adds some formatting like underline and color to the link but you can always customize that to your own liking.


Link doesn't need to be text, any HTML element can be a link including images, texts, buttons, etc.

<a> Tag

The HTML <a> tag defines a link. The syntax for a tag is as following.

<a href="">Example</a>

You can use any HTML element instead of Example text.

href Attribute

In the above example, you can see the usage of the href attribute. While on the topic of links, href is the most important attribute.

The use of href attribute is to define the destination of the link.


Instead of using an url in the href attribute, you can use the id of any element in HTML to scroll to that element. It is also called bookmarks in HTML. More on id later.

target Attribute

Talking about links, another most important attribute is the target attribute. The target attribute defines where the link is opened, either it be on same page or new tab or other location.

The following are some possible values of the target attribute.

  • _self : Opens the document in the same window.
  • _blank : Opens the document in the new tab.
  • _parent : Opens the document in the parent frame.
  • _top : Opens the document in the full body of the window.

Among all, the most common use case of target is to open in new tab.

<a href="" target="_blank">ComputeNepal</a>

Output of the above code is as follows:


By default, the link target is setup to open in the same window/ tab.


While linking different documents, you can use either of absolute path or relative path.

The absolute path starts with https:// or http://, whereas the relative path doesn't start with https:// or http://.

More Usage

Link not only links two web pages, but they are also useful to link mail address, telephone, etc.

<!-- Linking email address -->

<a href="">Email John</a>

<!-- Linking telephone -->

<a href="tel:9800000000">Call me</a>