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HTML Attributes

HTML attributes are special keywords that you can use to provide extra information regarding the HTML tag.


Attributes always comes in name value pair like: name="value", and are always defined in HTML start tag.

src Attribute

The src attribute can be used to give the path of the image that we want to display. This attribute is used with the <img> tag.

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" />

You will learn more about <img> tag in the upcoming chapters.

Absolute And Relative Paths

There are two types of path that you can use namely: Absolute and Relative paths.

  • Absolute path links to an external image from another website. It starts with https://.
  • Relative path links to a internal image from same website. It starts with /path/to/image.jpg.

You can also use relative paths to link internal images from the same website.

Keep In Mind

Although you can use absolute path to link internal images but it's not recommended as it may break the image if the url of the website is changed.

href Attribute

The href attribute is used for hyperlinking. It is used along with <a> tag. The main purpose of web is to link from one page to another page, so href is the most important attribute.

<a href="path/to/page/">Click Here to go to next page</a>

More about <a> tag on upcoming chapter.s

height and width Attributes

The height and width attributes are used to determine the height and width of the HTML element. It assigns height and width of the element in the unit called px (pixels).

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" height="500" width="500" />

alt Attribute

When it comes to images, alt is one of the most important attribute. If for some reason the image is not rendered then the text in alt attribute is displayed to the user so that the user knows what the image was about. It is also used by screen readers to describe the content.

alt="Displayed if the image is not rendered"

alt is the most important attribute when it comes to images. It is the best practice to use alt every time you render image.

style Attribute

The style attribute is used to add styles to an element.

<p style="color:white; background-color:black;">
This is a black and white paragraph.

title Attribute

The title attribute is used to set the title of an element and provide extra information about the element. The value of this attribute is displayed as a tooltip.

The following is the code for the above button.

<button title="This is by the title Attribute">
Hover me to see the tooltip

Although HTML is case insensitive and you can use either lowercase or uppercase, we recommend to use lowercase for attributes.