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HTML Formatting

There are several different types of HTML formatting tags that gives certain meaning to the content in it.

Some of the examples of HTML formatting Tags are:

  • <b>: Bold Text
  • <strong>: Important Text
  • <i>: Italic Text
  • <em>: Emphasized Text
  • <mark>: Marked Text
  • <small>: Smaller Text
  • <del>: Deleted Text
  • <ins>: Inserted Text
  • <sub>: Subscript Text
  • <sup>: Superscript Text
<b>This is bold text.</b>
<strong>This is important text.</strong>
<i>This is italic text.</i>
<em>This is Emphasized text.</em>
<mark>This is marked text.</mark>
<small>This is small text.</small>
<del>This is deleted text.</del>
<ins>This is inserted text.</ins>
This is <sub>Subscript</sub>.
This is <sup>Superscript</sup>.

Copy the above example and see the corresponding output of the code. You will find some similarities between some tags, like b and strong both makes the text bold, i and em both makes the text italics but they are functionally different. While b and i are mainly for visuals, strong and em are semantically important.


It is a better idea to use <strong> and <em> instead of <b> and <i> as they have semantic meanings.

<strong> VS <b>

While both the tags may produce same visual outputs, they are completely different. The <b> tag only makes the text bold but don't mark it as important whereas the <strong> tag makes the text bold as well as mark it as important. If you want to make a text bold because the text is important, then semantically use of strong is preferred.

<em> VS <i>

While both the tags produce same visual outputs, they are also completely different as strong and b. The <i> tag makes the text wrapped inside it italic but don't add a semantic meaning whereas the <em> tag makes the text italic as well as add semantic meaning to the text. The text wrapped inside em is emphasized. This can be more clear when the screen reader reads your text, when you use the <i> tag the reader don't emphasize the text while it emphasize the text wrapped in <em> tag.